What are the Zebra printer cleaning kits?
In the use of the printer, if you do not pay attention to maintenance printing, then a long time will lead to the printer's print head accumulated a lot of dust, or the printer surface color yellowing signs, or the printer itself is not a good operation, how Solve this problem? The best solution is to use the printer cleaning kit.
My company specializes in the production of Zebra printer cleaning kit, so from the Zebra printer cleaning kit, we will be on all the printer cleaning steps have a clear understanding. Our Zebra Printer Cleaning Kit includes clean cotton swabs, cleaning cloth, sticky card, cleaning cloth. The main cleaning parts of the printer when the print head, transfer wheel, body shell and other parts.
In addition to production and Zebra supporting the cleaning kit, we also have the Datecard, Evolis, Magicard card printer-related cleaning kit,
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