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How to use the cleaning swabs ?
1, pay attention to shelf-life From the hospital a cleaning swab, is more than double paper packaging. This kind of cleaning with high temperature and high pressure sterilization, in Kaifeng state, the shelf life is generally two weeks. However, humid areas in the south, or the spring rainy season, due to the paper is easy to be affected with damp, causing bacterial penetration into the packaging, therefore, the cleaning swab shelf life may be only a week or so.
2, do not use domestic cleaning swab the wound disinfection The average family usually use a cleaning swab is not much, nor the conditions remain in Kaifeng after 24 hours of sterilized cleaning swab again. Therefore, suggested that the cleaning swab as ordinary cleaning stick, or discarded, not for wound treatment, especially for the baby. Sterile cleaning swab is necessary for skin disinfection, once contaminated, it could make the wound infection. Some people think, anyway, cleaning swabs are dipped in alcohol, iodine disinfection liquid, some bacteria. They don't know, disinfection and sterilization are two different concepts. Disinfection is kill pathogenic microorganisms on the goods; sterilization is thoroughly to kill all the items on the pathogenic and non pathogenic microorganisms, including bacillus. Sterilization and disinfection including disinfection, sterilization can not be replaced. That is to say, such as alcohol, iodine disinfectant can kill the pathogenic microorganisms, but if not sterile cleaning swab, but with spores of microorganisms, the disinfectant to also have no way, even will therefore polluted disinfectant. Therefore, to ensure the aseptic cleaning swab, is an important measure to prevent infection.
3, it is important to keep the cleaning swab Save the cleaning swab, to ensure that the packaging is sealed, and also pay attention to, cleaning swabs should be stored in relative humidity of not more than 80%, non corrosive gas and good ventilation indoors, avoid high temperature.